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If most of the Flutter apps are for mobile iOS and Android devices. We still needs to create sidebar for tablets. And as you know you can also publish...
ApparenceKit V4 is a huge update. After one year, Apparencekit CLI is now more powerful than ever. From the beginning, I wanted to create a tool that...
Go router is the most popular package to handle navigation in Flutter and is now maintained by the Flutter team.In this article, we will see how to...
ApparenceKit has now been updated to version 3.0.0. This update brings a lot of new features and improvements.It's been 6 months since ApparenceKit...
It’s been some years since I had this idea. I wanted to create a journal not only for myself. But for my child. I wanted to share my life today for...
Infinite pagination is a common pattern since the rise of social networks. It allows to load more data when the user reaches the end of the list. This...